'Lighting the Sparks'
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Year 2

Spring Term 2024


What does it mean to belong?

This term, Year 2 will focus on learning a wide range of skills across the curriculum.

We will be looking at the continents of the world, focussing on the UK and the oceans that surround it. The children will also be able to identify some physical and human features of the UK.

We will be making some links with The Bethany Project who live in Tanzania in Africa.
The children will be able to make some comparisons about how and where they live to the children who live in Tanzania

How we'll be doing it...

Authentic outcomes
This term our wow day will be on Thursday 11th January. As we are making strong links with the Bethany project in Africa- Tanzania, we will be having a day where we take part in some African drumming, make some art work and do some food tasting.

Wow day
Our wow day this year will be a Stone Age day! The children will participate in a range of activities including cave art style paintings and making stone age jewellery.

Spring Trips
Linking to our History learning last term, we will be visiting the Titanic museum in Liverpool.

Core Subjects

This term we will be looking at multiplication and division and linking this to money and counting in different multiples We will build upon our money knowledge from Year 1/ We will also be looking at measurement- focussing on length and height and mass and capacity. We will be using a range of different equipment to measure height, length, mass and capacity. We will also be looking further into using standard units such as kg and grams.


We will be looking materials and their everyday uses. We will be carrying out a range of experiments and exploring using our scientific inquiry skills. We will also build upon our learning from the autumn term looking at living things and their environments. The children will learn the groups of living things and how their environments suit them.

Health and well-being- the children will explore a range of feelings and will develop strategies in order to manage them. We will be thinking about a range of strategies that we can use to overcome barriers or manage difficult emotions.

Citizenship- we will be looking at our school rules and how they are used to protect us. We will delve into how we can look after our environment. We will also be thinking about democracy.

We have a busy term of PE. We will be looking at invasion games and learning tactics in order to play competitive games. We will also be learning some dance techniques and ways of movement. The children will use this dance knowledge to link it our Gymnastics unit. The children will learn a variety of jumps and roles and how to link movements. To help with our mindfulness, we will also be doing some yoga.
Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs. Our question this year is ‘how do we respond to things that really matter?’

This term we will have our Buddhism RE day and our final Christianity unit.

Programming- we use a programme called Hour of Code to further develop our programming skills. The children will use their prior learning from year 1 in order to support them. The children will continue to learn to bug and debug algorithms using an IPAD and some unplugged activities.

Data and information – pictograms- within this unit we will link to our learning in maths on statistics. The children will use an online programme in order to complete data collections and create pictograms from them.

This half term we will be completing 2 DT projects.

Construction- we will be making a chassis for a beach rubbish collection vehicle. The children may be able to put some of their skills from the Autumn into practise here. They will also learn a range of new attaching and construction methods.

Festive family foods- linking to our Geography topic this term we will be making a range of family festive foods. We will make links with The Bethany project in Tanzania and create some delicious dishes from around the world.

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