In maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division, length and perimeter, fractions and mass and capacity. The children will be developing their multiplication and division recall skills in 3s, 4s and 8s. The children will learn how to work out multiplication sums using their previous knowledge of other times tables.
Our focus this term will be animals including humans. This is split in to two sections including skeletons and movements and health and nutrition. The children will learn about animals (including humans) and their skeletal systems, how bodies work and their different parts. They will know the purposes of the skeleton and how to keep their bodies healthy including food and hygiene.
Our first term will cover ‘health and wellbeing’ which links very well with our science unit. The children will learn about relaxation and stretches, how to have a healthy diet, their own strengths and weaknesses, resilience, communicating feelings and dental health.
In the second half term they will cover ‘safety and the changing body’. This includes simple first aid, how to call for help and use emergency services, cyberbullying and being kind online, influences and keeping safe out and about.
The children will complete 4 units of PE this term including dance, football, gymnastics and dodgeball. We will have a large focus on working as a team and developing key skills including stamina, problem solving, memory skills and resilience.
Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs. Our question this year is ‘who should we follow?’
Over the term we will cover:
Christianity and Hinduism
This half term the children will complete a coding unit and will learn about data and information, focusing mostly on branching databases.
For coding, the children will use Hour of Code to complete different algorithms, debug programmes and learn how to use different blocks in order to make the algorithm simpler and clearer.
This term, the children will continue their French learning with the topics ‘fruits’ and ‘vegetables’. The children really enjoyed French last half term and will continue to recall what they have already learnt in order to remember it.
In the spring term, the children will complete 2 DT units including sewing and construction. They will create projects that are meaningful and have a purpose. The children will learn how to complete different stitches, how to attach materials in different ways and how to design and evaluate their work thoroughly.