In this term we explore ‘what do you celebrate?’ which helps us reflect on past events and to look into the future as to what we will celebrate too. We also learn about how everyone is different and can celebrate different things which we have to respect. We learn to celebrate uniqueness and be kind to all our friends. The children will look at traditions we have in events and why we have them.

What do you celebrate?

How we'll be doing it...
Authentic Outcomes
Stay and Play – First stay and play, showing our grown-ups what we do!
Stay and Play – Christmas themed!
WOW day
What is a birthday?
Talk about birthdays; what they are and who celebrates them and how. Read the story.
- Design cupcakes afterwards and eat for snack.
- Design our own party hats
Create a birthday card for someone we love.
Autumn Trip
RE – St James Church.
Christmas wonderland as a whole EYFS unit.

Specific Areas
For our Maths of this term we are introducing number 0-10. We look at a number every week to make sure we are confident with the numbers and know in detail about this number. This is done in really fun and exciting ways with lots of WOW factors to keep the children engaged. We use provisions to consolidate and practice number work that we have learned during our carpet sessions.
This term we are focusing on 3 key texts each half term. We are spending two weeks on each text as this means the children have time to read, understand and process the book we are reading.
Autumn 1:
– Colour Monster
– Worrysaurus
– Elmer
Autumn 2:
– A handful on buttons
– Kippers Birthday
– Kevin and Katies Christmas adventure/waiting for Santa
The first half term stories help us to settle into new routines, and understand that our feelings, how to process them and how being different is good!
The second half term is all stories which help us understand celebrations, family and what things that are important to us.
Physical Development
In this term we are being introduce to our PE sessions and learning about spatial awareness, moving in different ways through the fundamental skills of our PE scheme (edited for the ability of our children). This term we are also focusing on our fine motor skills with the use if threading, play-doh and mark making with smaller objects we can find! We are also learning about our bodies, identifying body parts and learning about how to look after our bodies!
Personal, social and emotional development
For our personal, social and emotional development we will be focusing on lots of different aspects in this first term. The children will learn about themselves in details and also people around them. The children are going to be establishing friendships and learning about conflict. As we learn about celebrations, the children will learn about what they celebrate in their families, and show respect to those who celebrate different events. The children will also learn about our class rules and adhere to these as they learn about safety.
Communication and language
In their term we are going to develop our communication and language skills every day. By the use of rhyme and singing we will help support this skill! Through the term we are going to be talking to the children lots and encourage lots to talking to our peers. The children will learn lots of ambitious vocabulary and learn the meaning of them too as this supports their future development.

What will we discover?
Expressive arts and design
In this first term the children are going to be learning lots of new nursery rhymes, as well as creating artistic pieces of work as they start to become confident in being exploring their creativity. The children have access to instruments in their provisions for the children to explore making sounds with different types of equipment. We are going to use painting with different colours and identify colours easily, with the children choosing the correct colours.
Understanding the world
In this term we are going to be exploring different celebrations, looking in deeper detail as to what the celebrations are. We will learn about birthdays, Christmas, Halloween and other events too! This allows us to look at past and present, show interest in different people and understanding the similarities and differences. Key events helps the children to understand that they are unique. The children will also be meeting new children and start to make relationships with their peers.