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Governance at Belthorn

Our Governing Body has a strategic role in the development of the school. Our key responsibilities are to:

  • Provide a strategic view: help to set and maintain the broad framework within which the Headteacher and the staff should run the school. This is part of our three-year strategic plan.
  • Act as a critical friend: provide the Headteacher with support and offer advice and information. The Governing Body is there to monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness and we’re there to challenge.
  • To ensure accountability: the Headteacher and staff report to the Governing Body on the school’s performance. In turn the Governing Body is accountable to all stakeholders on the school’s overall performance.

We aren’t involved in the day to-day management or operational activities of the school – that is the role of the Headteacher and the teaching and learning staff.

Belthorn Academy Governors

Belthorn Academy is represented by a variety of governors, these comprise:

Governor type


Parent Governors

Staff Governors

Community Governors

Co-opted Governors

Trust Governors


Parent Governors

Parents or carers elected by other parents or carers with children at the School or, on occasion, appointed by the Governing Body.  Parent Governors play a vital role, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Parent Governors are representative parents rather than representatives of parents.

Staff Governors

The Headteacher and staff members elected by teaching and support staff. Staff governors are involved in the day to day running of the school and yet are asked, as Governors, to put this to one side and participate in the governing body’s work as ‘strategic managers’.

Community Governors

They are appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests. Community Governors can be people who live or work in the community served by the school, or people who do not work in or live close to the school but are committed to the good governance and success of the school.

Co-opted Governors

They are appointed by the Governing Body and who, in the opinion of the Governing Body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

Trust Governors

They are appointed by the members of the Trust Board and have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


The school Headteacher is the principal manager for the school and is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school; for advising the other Governors; and for implementing the strategic framework.


The governing board is held to account by members. Members of the academy trust are the guardians of the governance of the trust. They ensure effective governance but have a minimal role in the actual running of the trust.

Our Governor Meetings

We operate our meetings in a circle model – this limits the number of meetings held outside of a Full Governing Board Meeting.  Each term there is:

  • Full Governing Board Meeting (Data Focus) – The whole Governing Body will meet once each term for a formal Board Meeting which looks at current issues within the school, takes a report from the Headteacher and takes a focus over the curriculum and data elements for the school.
  • Full Governing Board Meeting (Finance Focus) – Again this meeting has the whole Governing Body to meet once each term as with the Data Focus meeting, but this meeting has a specific focus on the school’s financials.
  • Audit, Risk Management and Staffing Committee – There are several responsibilities of this committee which feedback into the Full Governing Board Meeting they are, Audit, Staffing, H&S, Risk Register and Business Continuity Plan.

Accessing information and contact

Signed minutes of all meetings (including reports and documents considered at any such meeting) are available for any person wishing to inspect them by request from the Clerk to Governors.

How to contact the school governors

  • Clerk to Governors


  • Chair of Governors


Belthorn Academy Primary School

Governor Recruitment

Interested in becoming a Governor?

We are always interested to hear from people who want to join our Governing Board.

  • Do you have an open and enquiring mind?
  • Are you able to challenge and hold to account as a critical friend?
  • Would you like the opportunity to support your community and improve the educational outcomes for all our pupils?
  • Can you commit to attending meetings and visiting the school?

Being a Governor gives you the chance to use and develop valuable leadership skills and give back whilst helping a local primary school.  We like Governors on our board who can bring energy, new ideas and enthusiasm to help drive the school forward.  You don’t need any prior knowledge of the education system.

Contact the Chair of Governors to register your interest Emma.nolan@belthornacademy.co.uk


Historical Governors (in the last 12-months)

  • Mrs Holden

    Community Governor

    Resigned 9th November 2023

  • Mrs Rostron

    Co-opted Governor

    Resigned 9th November 2023

  • Mr Mughal

    Co-opted Governor

    Resigned 12th December 2023