'Lighting the Sparks'
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Year 1

Autumn Term 2024


Do our choices matter?

This term the Lions will be exploring the question ‘Do our choices matter?’. The children will be revisiting the past and looking at the major of The Great Fire of London. This will open doors to many historical opportunities, such as, houses, kings and transport in the past as well as how this significant event impacted today.

How we'll be doing it...

Wow day

A guest speaker about life in the past (September)

Authentic outcome

Role play/drama event around The Great Fire of London.

Autumn trips
Pantomime December 2024



This term in literacy we will be focussing on the stories Elmer, The Three Little Pigs, Cops and Robbers and Peepo. The children will be working on labels, lists and captions and building up their sentence structure with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The children will be continuing with their Little Wandle Phonics and reading journey throughout the whole of Year 1.


This term the children will heavily focusing on place value, addition and subtraction and shape.  There will be lots of opportunities for practical maths as well as lots of problem solving and reasoning aspects. The children will really solidify their knowledge of numbers to 10.


This term in science the children will explore weather and seasonal change in Autumn and Winter.

When learning about weather and seasonal change, the children will observe the world around them and notice how things change over a whole year i.e. plants, weather, climate and hours of daylight.

Children will also learn about everyday materials which lends itself well to D and T and History this term.


This term Year 1 children will develop their knowledge of growth mindset and to determine the different of a fixed and a growth mindset and how a positive growth mindset can be used effectively when carrying out school or out of school tasks.

Also children will develop their knowledge of families and relationships and how families can be different, what is a positive friendship and how issues can occur in relationships and how these can be overcome.


Year 1 will continue to develop their physical skills. We will be focusing on dance, yoga, team building and fitness.

Throughout these units the children will develop their agility, balance, coordination both individually and with others. The children will be taught to perform dances using simple movement patterns. Within team building and fitness children will learn to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities both individually and with others. The children will learn to master running, jumping and throwing and catching.


Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs.

Our questions this year is: What do people say about God?


This term Year 1 will be developing their computer skills and knowledge of technology around us. The children will be interacting on the laptops by saving, retrieving, editing and typing on documents. They will also be interacting with digital painting by developing the use of drag, drop and clicking to have increased control over a programme.


This term the children will be creating a wooden spoon toy as a gift for someone in their family. Based on the children knowledge of toys from the past the children will create a simple wooden toy using skills such as designing, constructing and evaluating. The children will use different material choices and choose the most appropriate method to join the materials together such as glue, tape or staple.


This term children will enjoy a series of music lessons based around pulse, rhythm, dynamics and tempo. The children will explore a variety of music sharing their opinions.

The children will use their voices and instruments to maintain pulse and rhythm both individually and with others.


This term Year 1 will continue to develop their handwriting skills by forming letters and number of the correct orientation and size on the lines.


Read our latest news

Belthorn Weekly 4th October 2024

Belthorn Weekly 27th September 2024

Belthorn Weekly 20th September 2024

Belthorn Weekly 13th September 2024

Belthorn Weekly 6th September 2024