This term the children will be focusing on the question ‘Do we live in a wonderful world?’.
Do we live in a wonderful world?
How we'll be doing it...
Wow day
Children to dress up as an iconic person who has influenced the planet and spend the day junk modelling out of recycled resources. (linked to literacy text Great women who changed the world)
Authentic Outcome
Art exhibition whereby parents can come into school and see the finish piece of art work and create a joint piece with their child.
School Trips
This term we will go on a trip to Cobble Hey Farm and Knowsley Safari Park
In maths we will be focusing on simple multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, place value (within 100), money and time. They will be working with lot of different concrete resources such as numicon, cubes, tens and ones and number lines to help them develop their knowledge and understanding of number. This term has lots of real life opportunities relating to time and money so lots of real life examples will be used.
Our focus this term will be plants and seasonal change. Throughout this term their will be lots of opportunities to go out and about in the local environment exploring plants and growth. Children will become familiar with common names of flowers, examples of deciduous and evergreen trees, and plant structures (including leaves, flowers (blossom), petals, fruit, roots, bulb, seed, trunk, branches, stem). The children will all plant a bean and create a diary to observe the growth over time.
The focus for the first half term is economic well being within this unit children will learn how they might get money, how to keep money safe, understand what the role of a bank is, recognise choices that people might make different choices about spending or saving money and understand a range of jobs are available and that different skills are needed for these roles. For the second part of the term the children will be learning about safety and changing body. This unit is taught very sensitively and discusses topics around knowing adults in school and who children can speak to if they have a worry or concern. Understanding ways to keep safe and not get lost, knowing the emergency services number and their own address, understand some type of physical contact are never acceptable, know what can go into our body and when hey should check with an adult, know that there are hazards in a house and how to avoid them and to understanding and name jobs that people do to keep everyone safe.
This term the children will have coaching from Accrington Stanley coaches focussing on net and wall games.
The children will be building on their invasion game knowledge by developing their quick thinking and knowledge about attacking and defending when working as a team at ball games.
The children will also take part in races to build on their knowledge and understanding of sports day by practising their basic fundamental skills.
Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs. Our question this year is ‘What do people say about God?’
Over the term we will cover:
Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Humanism
This term the children will develop their understanding of the various aspects of using a computer to create and manipulate text. They will become more familiar with using a keyboard and mouse to enter and remove text. Children will also consider how to change the look of their text, and will be able to justify their reasoning in making these changes.
This term the children will be focussing on drawing, colour and sculpture. The children will initially develop their drawing skills of line simple line drawing and developing texture. The children will move towards drawing observational drawing of nature such as leaves and will focus on artists throughout each element.
When focussing on colour children to build on their knowledge of primary and secondary colours and will spend several lessons mixing colours and developing confidence in brush strokes and effective uses of paint.
In the final weeks of the term the children will focus on several sculptures and will roll and coil paper to use effectively to build towards a final piece of artwork containing abstract painting using a mixture of primary and secondary colours with an addition on a textures image of a tree using a structure of curved and coiled paper.
This term the children will focus on four texts. ‘Women who changed the world’, ‘Dogger’, ‘Just like Grandpa Jazz’ and ‘Neil Armstrong’ (Little People Big Dreams).
Throughout this term the children will develop their grammar and punctuation focussing on applying all of their phonics skills to apply alternative sounds to words to spell more accurately. Children will create fiction and non fiction texts to innovate stories and develop non-fiction texts relating to a famous artist of their choice as studied throughout the create unit.