This term the children will paint and mix colours and media, they will explore different textures and create collages. They will learn to tell a story through their artwork all while thinking about how they can create a feeling using their art skills. They will explore different sources to develop their art and design skills.
Can you create a feeling?
How we'll be doing it...
WOW day
A whole class Art Attack with primary colours
Authentic Outcomes
To create an experience for younger children
School Trips
Jewish Museum trip 5.6.24, Blackpool tower, cattery, a final trip to be confirmed
This term the children will continue to build on their knowledge of fractions. They will then use their knowledge of fractions to support their understanding of telling the time. The children will then learn to measure length and height and mass, capacity and temperature which mostly builds on their learning from Year 1. With finally, geometry and statistics.
This term the children will learn about plants. This will involve scientific enquiry where the children will observe and describe. This unit will involve a sunflower growing competition. The children will also experience some comparative testing. Ultimately, the children will learn about what plants need to thrive.
This term Year 2 will be looking at economic well-being and in particular wants and needs and understanding where money comes from. The children will also be learning about safety and the changing body. They will learn about privacy and private body parts and respecting personal boundaries. They will also learn about internet and road safety. PSHE this term will also involve a transition lesson.
Year 2 will be developing their athletic skills next term and will learn movements as well as engaging in competitive physical activities. They will run, throw and jump. The children will also learn striking and fielding games. They will develop their ball skills and target skills.
Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs. Our question this year is ‘how do we respond to things that really matter?’
This term we will have our Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Humanism days.
This term the children will create their own music. They will explore how music can make them think and feel. This links well with our explore topic. They will make patterns and use those patterns to make music with both percussion instruments and digital tools. They will also create different rhythms and tunes, using the movement of animals for inspiration. Finally, the children will share their creations and compare creating music digitally and non-digitally. This term the children will also build on their knowledge of coding.