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Year 3

Autumn Term 2024


How did people from the past shape the world?

Stone Age

In this unit, children learn about prehistory in Britain, and how we find out about prehistory. They will discover what life was like through each of the main time periods of the Stone Age, right through to the Iron Age. Children will find out about how civilisation started, how agriculture became a huge driving force for things like stone circles to be built and how different metals such as bronze and iron changed the way we interacted with each other and created huge defensive earthworks that
we can even see and walk today.


This unit looks at the Romans and their achievements from 43 CE to 410 CE. We will explore what life was like in early Rome, who was in charge and held the power across the Empire and how the emperors trained up their powerful armies. This moves onto the Roman invasion of Britain; a comparison between the existing Celtic villages and the new Roman settlements, alongside finding out how the Romans protected their new lands and an introduction to significant historical figures of the time such as Boudicca. The unit finishes with a study of the final years of the Roman Empire and the events that led to its downfall.

How we'll be doing it...

Wow Day

Our WOW day will be an opportunity for the children to explore our question ‘How did people from the past shape the world?’ and will give them the opportunity to create more questions and an insight into the learning for the upcoming term. They children will be taking part in a range of activities that link to our topic the Stone Age and Romans.

Authentic Outcome
To make a fruit pie that fits a brief. The Pie will be linked to our discover topic as we will be looking at conserving food and resources which people from the past will have had to do. Children will have to conduct their own research, prepare the food and create a pie that fits their specific purpose.

Autumn Trips

Imagine That! in Liverpool.




Place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division

In these units, the children will be exploring numbers up to 1000, leaning to use a number line, compare and order numbers up to 1000. We will then move on to adding and subtracting numbers up to 1000 which include exchanging. Finally before Christmas we will be looking at our 3, 4 and 6 times tables.


Autumn 1 books

Stone Age boy and George’s marvellous medicine

In these units the children will working towards a range of writing outcomes, some of these are; diary, narrative, lists, Instructions and character descriptions

Autumn 2 book

Escape from Pompeii

In this term the children will be writing a narrative and recount


Animals including human

During this unit of work, children will learn about the structure of the human skeleton and how the muscles also work alongside the skeleton to support and protect the human body. They will then look at how skeletons differ in different animals.


During this unit of work, children will explore different rocks and soils. They will classify and group together rocks based on their appearance as well as their physical properties. They will learn how the Earth is made up of different rocks and fossils and begin to explain how some of the different rocks are formed. Children will also look at fossils, what they are and how they are formed in rock.


Growth mind set and Families

To identify characteristics of growth and fixed mind-sets. To suggest ideas to help develop a growth mind-set.


Learning that families are varied and differences must be respected; understanding physical and emotional boundaries in friendships; exploring: the roles of bully, victim and bystander; how behaviour affects others; manners in different situations and learning about bereavement


Children will be going swimming in the autumn term.


Our question we will look at throughout the year is ‘Who should we follow?’

The religion we will look at this term is Judaism.


Autumn 1 – Computing systems and networks – connecting computers

The children will develop understanding of digital devices, including inputs, processes and outputs and understand that a digital device is made up of several parts.

Autumn 2 – Creating media – Stop-frame animation

In this unit, the children will learn how animations are used to enhance a presentation and that planning is a pivotal part of the design process. We will explore that still images are used in animations and how to take images appropriately.


Autumn 1 – I’m learning French

Here the children will be introduced to French as this will be their first time learning it. They will be exposed to some important vocabulary and learning how to say simple phrases.

Autumn 2 – Colours and numbers

Here the children will start to learn their numbers and colours in French.


Conserving and preserving food and resources – fruit pie

The children will be looking at working safely and hygienically whilst understanding seasonality of fruit and veg. They will make links with science by looking at making healthy eating choices using the eatwell plate and understand how to use existing products as a starting point for design ideas.

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