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Year 5

Autumn Term 2024


What makes Britain great?

This term’s topic is History based. We will explore a range of significant events from the past and the people linked to them. There will be a focus on Britain through the Anglo-Saxons, looking at their lifestyle, naming of places used in the modern day and the early weaving industry, linking to the Industrial Revolution.

Our local History study will look at Belthorn and how this area was named, similar to the process used by the Anglo Saxons. We will also discover that the weaving industry was found in Belthorn, then zooming out into Lancashire which was at the heart of the cotton industry.

How we'll be doing it...

Wow day

Anglo Saxons

Children will take part in a treasure hunt around school to find aspects of the Anglo-Saxon lifestyle.

They will make their own armour- shields and swords- rein act/roleplay battles and the movement of the Jutes, Angles and Saxons to Britain.

Authentic outcome

Assembly delivered to parents about learning this term

Autumn trips

Queen Street Mill textile museum – linking to the industrial revolution, as part of our discover topic.



In the first half term, the children will focus on place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions. We have a class target of multiplication, and all children should know their times tables up to 12.


The children will be focusing on living things and their habitats. Children will be learning about life cycles and observing these, whilst discovering reproduction in animals. This will also include humans and will links to our PSHE lessons. The second half of the term will focus on forces, exploring gravity, friction, air resistance and mechanisms.


This will be the first book that the children explore during the autumn term, linking to our discover topic, whilst looking at aspects such as vocabulary, grammar and punctuation (commas and brackets used for parenthesis and complex sentences using relative clauses).

The children will use this fiction books to innovate a new chapter of their own, write a diary entry and create newspaper reports.

They will also explore explanatory non-fiction texts about the life of Anglo-Saxons.

The second book of the term will allow for the exploration of modal verbs, adverbs and suffixes. They will also use this text to innovate a story with a similar theme and write a letter home about Britain


Growth mind-set unit. Children will learn how we can practice using a growth mindset and strategies we can use to improve our resilience. In year 5 we will also explore families and relationships. Within this topic children will discuss, debate and work in groups.

Our PE topics this term are; Hockey, Fitness, Netball and dodgeball. Within these subjects, children will practice teamwork, resilience, how to look after our bodies and the benefits and importance of eating a balanced diet. Each lesson will teach new skills in active fun lessons.


Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs.

Our question this year is: Where can people find guidance in their lives?

Over the next term we will cover Christianity and Judaism.


Children will explore coding in the Autumn term. Children will practice working as a team, using a growth mindset, working independently and problem solving. We will use maths skills to make programmes, debug and create simple games.


In French, children will continue learning new vocabulary, building sentences and practice their speaking and listening. The children will learn; colours, animals, days, months and names for family members.

This term artwork will take place incidentally, as our main art topic is taught in the summer term. Artwork will be cross curricular based covering aspects of work covered in RE and History. There will also be some opportunities for art and craft activities during the run up to Christmas.

We will be planning, researching and making different types of bread in our DT topic. Children will look at how the industrial revolution helped produce bread on mass, linking to our discover topic. We will make different types of bread for our families to try

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