This term’s topic is Geography-based. We will explore and understand the world around us, looking at the relationship between people, places and the environment by studying human and physical features. The children will analyse different types of maps and will use compass points and grid references to help identify symbols and locations on digital and paper maps. Geography will teaches the children about the connections between different regions, cultures, and ecosystems, helping us appreciate the diversity and complexity of our planet, in relation to global challenges, such as climate change, urban development and resource management, ensuring that we can create a sustainable future.
Our local geography study will look at Belthorn/Blackburn and how these areas promote climate change and prevents global warming.
In our Year 5 topic of Explore, we innovatively incorporate reading, writing, and math to enhance student engagement, interest, memory and effective learning. The studying of bridges when exploring human vs physcial features links well to our DT topic where we will be discovering these in further details and eventually constructing our own bridges, linkages and pulleys. The frequent use of compass points, four and six figure grid references allows children to incorporate their mathematical thinking skills and graphical evaluation abilities. When promoting the significance and importance of global warming and climate change, children will use their reading and writing abilities to create adverts, posters and further persuasive pieces to raise the importance of this issue in both Explore and English learning.