In Maths the children will be looking at multiplication and division before moving on to fractions. Fractions is quite a tricky topic so there will be extra support and work uploaded to the Dojo.
In science we will look at how we can use aspects of STEM to work practically. The children will look at Climate change and learn how science can help slow down the effects of global warming
We will also study forces, animals and humans.
In response to the question of ‘Do we always appreciate everything?’ – concepts such as care and stewardship will be a prominent feature during these lessons. The topics we will study are titled, ‘Health and Well Being’ and ‘Safety and the Changing Body.’
In our PE units we will continue to learn about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and what this looks like. We will also participate in; Football, Boxercise, Dance and Gymnastics.
Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs. Our question this year is ‘Where can we find guidance in our lives.’
Over the term we will cover:
Christianity and Buddhism
Children will use computer programmes to create digital artwork about our ‘Carbon Footprint’. We will also look at recording our own music which will be played behind presentations about climate change. We will also design and learn how to build our own website using WIX.
In French, the children will listen more attentively and for longer to French dialogue. Children will join in to show understanding, communicate on a wider range of topics and themes. We will also start to decode meaning of unknown words using cognates, linguistics and content. Our units are titled ; ‘What is the date?’ and ‘The Weather.’
The children will design and make digital artwork. The artwork will include elements of climate change and make people question their own carbon footprint. These posters will be posted online. We will also look at artwork created by AI.
Our DT units are titled Levers and linkages which is a construction unit. We will also design and make T-Shirts in a textiles-based unit. The children will practice safe and accurate use of tools, use mechanical systems such as cams, pulleys and gears.