'Lighting the Sparks'
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Year 5

Spring Term 2025


Do we always appreciate everything we have?

This term’s topic is Geography-based. We will explore and understand the world around us, looking at the relationship between people, places and the environment by studying human and physical features. The children will analyse different types of maps and will use compass points and grid references to help identify symbols and locations on digital and paper maps. Geography will teaches the children about the connections between different regions, cultures, and ecosystems, helping us appreciate the diversity and complexity of our planet, in relation to global challenges, such as climate change, urban development and resource management, ensuring that we can create a sustainable future.
Our local geography study will look at Belthorn/Blackburn and how these areas promote climate change and prevents global warming.

In our Year 5 topic of Explore, we innovatively incorporate reading, writing, and math to enhance student engagement, interest, memory and effective learning. The studying of bridges when exploring human vs physcial features links well to our DT topic where we will be discovering these in further details and eventually constructing our own bridges, linkages and pulleys. The frequent use of compass points, four and six figure grid references allows children to incorporate their mathematical thinking skills and graphical evaluation abilities. When promoting the significance and importance of global warming and climate change, children will use their reading and writing abilities to create adverts, posters and further persuasive pieces to raise the importance of this issue in both Explore and English learning.

How we'll be doing it...

Authentic outcomes

Assembly delivered to parents about learning this term

Wow day

Climate Change
Children will employ the roles of news reporters and film news reports and adverts to spread the word of global warming and promote changes of climate change.

Spring Trip

Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Core Subjects


In this term, the children will continue their learning of fractions and multiplication and division. They will further explore decimals and percetnages, perimeter and area and lastly statistics. We have a class target of multiplication, where all children should know their times tables up to 12.


The children will be focusing on the properties of materials, animals including humans and life cycles which will link closely to our explore topics of global warming and climate change in relation to eco-systems, biomes and environmental development.


Hugo Cabaret
This will be the first book that the children explore during the spring term. Children will look at aspects such as vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, for example clauses and using commas to avoid ambiguity.

The children will use this fiction books to innovate an alternate ending to the story, write a letter linking to our explore topic of climate change, non-chronological report about Paris and finally a setting comparison.

There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom

The second book of the term will allow for the exploration of spelling, grammar and punctuation. They will also use this text to write an alternate ending to the story and write and informative text about Northcote Road.


Family and Relationships unit. In year 5 we will also explore families and relationships, where children will explore the diversity of families, marriages and debate stereotypes. Later safety and the changing body will be explored, where aspects such as puberty, online safety and friendships will be covered.

Our PE topics this term are; Hockey, Fitness, Netball and dodgeball. Within these subjects, children will practice teamwork, resilience, how to look after our bodies and the benefits and importance of eating a balanced diet. Each lesson will teach new skills in active fun lessons.


Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs.

Our question this year is: Where can people find guidance in their lives?

Over the next term we will cover Christianity, Buddhism and Islam.

Children will explore programming in the Spring term. Children will practice working as a team, using a growth mindset, working independently and problem solving. They will use selection in physical computing and incorporate maths skills to make programmes, debug and create simple games.

In French, children will continue learning new vocabulary, building sentences and practice their speaking and listening. The children will learn; colours, animals, days, months and names for family members.

This term artwork will take place incidentally, as our main art topic is taught in the summer term. Artwork will be cross curricular based covering aspects of work covered in RE, Geography and DT. There will also be some opportunities for art and craft activities during this term.

We will be planning, researching and making different types of bridges in our DT topic. Children will look at linkages and pulleys and how these can be used in construction. They will link their studying of bridges to the wider world issues of war and how bridges can be used and are needed to transport good, supplies and resources.



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