'Lighting the Sparks'
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Year 6

Autumn Term 2024


Is change always a good thing?

  • Children will describe aspects of the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England in the time of Edward the Confessor.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of an aspect or theme in British history that extends their chronological knowledge beyond 1066
  • Describe key aspects of a non-European society and Mayan Civilization C AD 900

How we'll be doing it...

Wow day
Change Up Day 27th September

Authentic outcome
Children to display source analysis and present to kids and parents

Autumn trips

Pantomime visit


In the first half term, the children will focus on place value and the value of digits up to 10,000,000. In this term we will focus on addition and subtraction also. The multiplication of four digit numbers by two digit numbers as well as subtraction will be done in this term also.


In this term the children will write spooky stories that will ultimately be used in the Halloween Disco to raise funds for the Year 6 end of year trip.

The class novels this term are ‘Crater lake’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’. The children will focus on word classification, the active and passive, subject and object and audience and purpose.

The children will write diary entries, letters home and adverts in the build up to their final piece of independent writing.


Children will describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals and give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics and analyse the advantages of certain plant features.

Evolution unit – Children will understand that inheritance of features comes from parents and understand reasons for extinction and mutations as well as understanding how and why animals adapt to their environment. An in depth study of leading evolutionary thinkers will also be completed.


Growth mind-set unit- To identify characteristics of growth and fixed mind-sets. To suggest ideas to help develop a growth mind-set.

Family and Relationships- Identifying ways to resolve conflict through negotiation and compromise

Discussing how and why respect is an important part of relationships. Identifying ways to challenge stereotypes.

Exploring the process of grief and understanding that it is different for different people.

Children will be focusing on football. Children will learn about the necessary skills involved and different ways of moving with a ball and team positions. In our moving and learning unit the children will learn about which movements effect which part of the body and how. In yoga, we will learn about stretches and positions that work the core muscles in our bodies.


Through our RE days at school, the children learn about their own and other’s beliefs.

Our question this year is: How is life like a journey?

Over the next term we will cover Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Humanism.


Children will recognise that data is transferred across networks using agreed protocols (methods) and complete a collaborative online project.

They will modify others work within the bounds of copyright and with relevant permissions and can evaluate the best forms of communication for different situations.

Children will upload and download projects to other devices and online space e.g. VLE, blog or website, collaborating and communicating with audiences in locations beyond school.

They will develop and use criteria to evaluate design and layout of a range of resources including web sites, pages on VLE, online resources and presentations

We will listen to longer text and more authentic foreign language material and learn to pick out cognates and familiar words and learn to ‘gist listen’ even when hearing language that has not been taught or covered.

In Art we are looking at photography and start by looking at Macro photography and editing these pictures for a particular effect. We then move onto photomontage and creating images from other images.

We will look at traditional dishes of Britain from now and the past and a range of cooking and baking techniques required for different products. We will look at specific preparation techniques and why they are needed. (eg not twisting when cutting out scones or they won’t rise, leaving dough to prove).

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