This term Year 6 will focus their work around the question of ‘Does Everyone’s Opinion Matter?’. This question will allow us to delve into the opinions of prominent thinkers, of everyday people and how opinions have shaped historical decisions and how they have shaped society. The concepts that we will explore are: rights, equality, happiness, democracy, class.

Does everyone's opinion matter?

How we'll be doing it...
Authentic Outcomes
In this term, the children will work towards producing a series of podcasts that will discuss different opinions on subject matter that is relevant to society. The children will learn interviewing skills and will develop discussion skills throughout a series of interviews with their peers, adults in school, parents and community leaders.
Wow Day
As a Wow day, we will create artistic pieces and display them alongside other famous artworks and get opinions on them form school children, parents and adults in school. We will discuss and record the opinion of people and how they differ, what informs that opinion and how others opinions affect ours.

In literacy, our class novel will be Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. This novel depicts 1930s Mississippi and is seen from the perspective of Cassie, who is ten years old, and how her family deal with racism in their everyday lives. The book will lend itself to writing historic fiction of our own, newspaper reports on the civil rights movement and incidents in general that have created strong opinions, letter writing and diary entries as well as non-chronological reports.
In Maths, the children have covered most of the curriculum due to their SATs preparation so the math sessions in this term will be mainly about plugging any remaining gaps. The lessons they do will take a focus on projects and using reasoning and problem solving to create business ideas and or run small businesses. It will link to the economic well-being unit in PSHE.
In Art our unit will be ‘Make my voice heard’, we will look everything from the Ancient Maya to modern-day street art, children look at how artists convey a message. Exploring imagery, symbols, expressive mark making, and ‘chiaroscuro’ where children consider audience and impact to create powerful drawings to make their voices heard
In PSHE, we will focus on economic well-being, attitudes to money, how to keep money safe, career paths and the variety of different jobs available. We will focus on identity and there will be a big impetus on transition as our children look towards their next step in education.
In keeping with our topic question, the children will design their own outfits. Our sewing unit will allow them to create prototypes of outfits, fit them to our wooden models, assess and evaluate what they like and then create them. It will allow children to express their own opinion of fashion and justify them to others.
We will look at theme and variations. Children will explore the musical concept of theme and variations and discover how rhythms can ‘translate’ onto different instruments. The children will also spend an amount of time learning and creating their own version of a leavers songs as well as songs for the school production.
Our science unit will be all about light and refraction. We will learn about how light travels, light sources, refraction and how light acts through different mediums. The children will conduct experiments and record their findings as well as making predictions and proving them either correct or incorrect.
Our history lessons will focus on the impact of some of the most important and impactful opinion that have shaped the world in which we live in today. We will try to recognise why some events, people and changes might be judged as more historically significant than others as well as framing these vents in chronological order and looking for trends within history.
In our ICT sessions, Year 6 will create their own leavers page that will be printed off and added to their 2023 leavers books. The children will also use the green screens to create short videos to be used in the Leavers Assembly. Year 6 will be using editing apps that will help them add sound effects and other audio to their videos.
Our RE days this term are Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam. All these days will incorporate a variety of lessons that revolve around the Year 6 question ‘Is life like a journey?’
In our geography lessons this term, we will compare the human and physical geography of a place in North America to our own. We will look at the South of America and focus on the area of Mississippi as that is prominent in our class novel. We will also conclude our Zero Carbon Emissions project with activities designed to reduce the carbon footprint of the school.